Manage your account

Learn here how to change your account settings and how to link different account at log-in.

Access account settings

How to change account settings

Edit account settings

Go to Account settings

From the Uniscale Dashboard click the profile icon on the bottom left corner of the page and select "Account settings"

Personal information

Select "Personal Information" from the left-hand side. Update any of the fields and press "Save changes" when done.

Personal information


To update your email notifications, select "Notifications" from the left-hand side menu and edit the field

Email notifications

Account deletion

To delete your account, select "Delete account".

Are you on a subscription? Please cancel your subscription before deleting your account: Workspace settings

Delete account

If you signed up using your email to create an account, you have the option to connect it with your Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, or GitHub account. This will simplify the login process for you in the future.

To link accounts, select the account you want to connect on the main log-in page.

Connect different acounts for a simplified login process

Your computer will automatically detect that the email you have previously used is associated with another account and merge the two. This will enable you to log in using the new method, rather than having to enter your email address and password every time you log in.

Last updated