Template: Solution description

This template is for you to copy into your solution description. This will guide you to include the essential parts of your high-level specification

Copy paste the text below into your solution description - please refer to the screenshot below to better visualize where this template needs to be pasted within Uniscale.

What - Solution description

  • Short description: Explain in a few sentences what your solution is doing.

  • List 3-5 high-level functionalities and features of your solution.

Why - Purpose and motivation

Describe to your audience what the purpose of your solution is.

  • What value does it bring?

  • What are the desired outcomes that you want to achieve?

  • What are the struggles and challenges you see for example in the market?

Who - Actors in the solution

  • Name and list all the different types of actors that use his solution.

Data sources in the solution

  • This data may come as actor input to the system, external data sources where information is imported from, or any other sources.

  • When listing the data sources you might just discover some missing actors.

Grouped actors

Do some of your actors belong to specific named groupings?

High-level functionality and divided by actors or grouped actors*

  • [Insert high-level functionality] - [insert actor or grouped actor]

  • [Insert high-level functionality] - [insert actor or grouped actor]

  • [Insert high-level functionality] - [insert actor or grouped actor]

*Note: The named list of functionality groupings are likely your modules.

Last updated