Invite to Uniscale

Learn how to invite someone to Uniscale by adding them to a workspace or inviting them to join a solution.

Workspace access and solution access

In Uniscale, a workspace can have multiple solutions. You can customize the permission level for each user in the workspace and their access to each solution.

To learn about permission levels: User management

If you invite someone to a workspace and want them to access a specific solution, you will also need to invite them to that solution separately: Invite to a solution

Invite to a workspace

  • From the sidebar of your workspace dashboard, find the "Settings" icon

  • Navigate to the Members tab (visible only for admins and workspace owners)

  • Add the new user e-mail, role, and type of access and click "Send invitation"

Do you need to upgrade your license to add more users?

Please check this article on "Plans and Subscriptions" or our website for more information.

Once the users receive their invite, it will be in their email inbox and also in their dashboard if they already have an account.

Email verification

The invitee can join the workspace by accepting the email invitation sent to them - see an example below.

Invite to a solution

When sharing a product (solution or standalone service), the invited user or the current user will gain access to it. Their ability to read or write specification content for that solution will depend on the permissions assigned to them. See the User management for more information on the different types of access.

You can share a product by using one of the below methods:

  1. From the product overview;

  2. From the editor

When sharing a solution from the workspace dashboard, the invitee will have access to the workspace as well.

  1. Press the button "Share" and invite users to the solution

  2. You can invite:

    • Existing users in the workspace by their email

    • OR type in the email address of a new user you would like to invite to your solution

  3. Choose their access level in the dropdown menu.

  4. You can then click “Add” and the invitee will receive their invitation via email.

  5. You have now successfully shared a solution! 🎉

Next steps for the invitee

Quick start guideCreate an account

Last updated