
This is defining the requirements and the building blocks to support your functional specification.


Documentation is the second of three phases in the Uniscale Method. This is where you begin to model your services and outline the needed requirements to specify the technical functionality of your solution.

High-level - AbstractDetailed - Concrete


Defining the requirements for technical functionality.

  • Service functionality requirements

  • Definition of each service and its purpose

Model how each service will work

  • Endpoint modeling

  • Error code & sample data

  • Data validations


Describe and validate the purpose of each service to ensure a clean architecture.

Have a detailed overview of how each service is modeled and how they relate to each other.


Software architect or Tech Lead

Software architect, Tech Lead, Software Engineer, or DevOps


A clear overview of your services and understanding of their purpose.

Fully modeled services that are ready to be implemented.


Start describing your documentation

  • Before describing your documentation, check our article for an overview of the elements and functionalities: Service basics

  • The next step is to link your specifications to your services: Service linking

  • When ready, lock and approve your services: Service revisions

Last updated