Tutorial: Using AI in Specification

Lean how to leverage generative AI when describing your specification.

Watch the video below for an in-depth guide on using the Uniscale AI add-on to help you write your functional specifications

Note that "AI for Describe" is sold as an addon for our Teams plan and is included on our Business plan.

Accessing the interface

Inside any specification item's description, you can press / and select Ask AI from the list of commands that appear.

Tip: Write "AI" after typing slash for a quicker selection.

States of the AI

The AI can take any input and will aim to provide an as-meaningfull-as-possible response. Once an input is given, the AI will process the information received while formulating an answer. This is dependent on the nature of your request and the data available in your specification.

While the AI is processing, you can cancel the request if it is taking too long. This will cancel only the last request in the conversation but will not close the conversation with the AI.

You can also discard the entire conversation, which will close the channel initiated here.

The answer UI

Once a reply is provided, it will come in the following format:

  1. The reply of the AI tool

  2. Input to continue the conversation based on the answer provided

  3. Actions you can do for the answer provided by the AI:

    1. You can replace your selected section with the AI answer

    2. You can insert it after your selection

    3. You can ask the AI to formulate a longer answer

    4. You can ask the AI to retry formulating an answer

    5. You can discard the conversation.

Additionally, you can review the entire conversation with the AI by clicking on the "clock" icon and previewing it in a "chat-like" functionality.

Writing new text

Inside any specification item description, you can press / and select Ask AI from the list of commands that appear.

The AI can take any input and will aim to provide an as-meaningfull-as-possible response. Because the input was done on a new line, the AI will take the rest of the description as a bounded context for how to answer best your question or request.

Improving based on existing text

Another option to work with AI is by selecting with your cursor an existing text and then inititating the AI upon it. This will make the bounded context of the answer more specific to your selection.

Generating formatted answers

In some instances, you will notice a more specific AI custom prompt.

Note: we are working to add more.

AI-generated acceptance criteria

Watch the tutorial video below for a detailed guide on how to effectively use the AI acceptance criteria feature.

For UX flows that already have a description, a new prompt will appear:

Clicking on the button it will ask the AI to suggest some acceptance criteria based on the description & title of your UX flow. The suggestions can be accepted, not before being edited or removed in parts.

Last updated