SDK portal overview

Learn about the SDK portal and how to navigate this.

Interface breakdown


In a similar manner to the ones found in specification and documentation. For a more detailed breakdown, check Topbar

1- Library setup

Quite an important section as it will allow the user to

  • Select which services to include in the specification

  • Select which languages to generate the library into.

Changes made here will trigger the library generation process, so make sure you review the changes before committing them.

2- Library access

Depending on which languages you have enabled in your library setup, different tabs will show up, one per language enabled. Uniscale supports currently 4 languages (.net, Python, Java, and TypeScript).

For each tab, you will find a general information section, where you can quickly access

  • the specific language library's repository URL

  • the repo secret

  • library name

  • latest version

  • and the solution ID

Up next, you will find custom per language installation guides in various steps.

3 - SDK history

The SDK history represents a timeline of your Library generation versions. They show

  • the library version

  • the library name

  • logos per each language enable in that version

Last updated